Jackeoz' personal website
Hyperlink ∞-crossroads (AKA hyperlink hoarding)
Como ya me cansé de tener cientos de mensajes en mis mensajes
guardados de telegram, ahora voy a intentar usar este lugar para
guardar cosas útiles.
Lecturas para mi tesis y temas adyacentes
Basic references:
Benjamin Antieau, Elden Elmanto - A primer for unstable
motivic homotopy theory
Vladimir Voevodsky
A¹-homotopy theory
Fabien Morel, Vladimir Voevodsky
A¹-homotopy theory of schemes
Fabien Morel
Lectures given at School on Algebraic K-theory and its applications ICTP, Trieste
Fabien Morel
A1-algebraic topology (Survey ICM 2006)
Christophe Cazanave
Algebraic homotopy classes of rational functions
(endomorphisms of spheres)
Rick Jardine
(slides) Motivic spaces and the motivic stable category
Brouwer degree and enumerative stuff:
David Eisenbud, Marc Levine
An algebraic formula for the degree of a C^infty map germ
Andrzej Łȩcki and Zbigniew Szafraniec
An algebraic method for calculating the topological degree
Giorgi Khimshiashvili
Topological invariants of quadratic mappings
Zbigniew Szafraniec
Topological degree and quadratic forms
Jesse Leo Kass, Kirsten Wickelgren
The class of Eisenbud--Khimshiashvili--Levine is the local A1-Brouwer degree
Jesse Leo Kass, Kirsten Wickelgren
An Arithmetic Count of the Lines on a Smooth Cubic Surface
Jesse Leo Kass, Marc Levine, Jake P. Solomon, Kirsten Wickelgren
A quadratically enriched count of rational curves
Jesse Leo Kass, Marc Levine, Jake P. Solomon, Kirsten Wickelgren
A relative orientation for the moduli space of stable maps
to a del Pezzo surface
Thomas Brazelton, Stephen McKean
Lifts, transfers, and degrees of univariate maps
Thomas Brazelton, Robert Burklund, Stephen McKean, Michael
Montoro, Morgan Opie
The trace of the local A1-degre
Gereon Quick, Therese Strand and Glen Matthew Wilson
Representability of the local motivic Brouwer degree
Sabrina Pauli, Kirsten Wickelgren
Applications to A¹-enumerative geometry of the A¹-degree
Thomas Brazelton, Stephen McKean, Sabrina Pauli.
Bézoutians and the A¹-degree.
The published version is
Vector bundle representability:
Aravind Asok, Marc Hoyois, Matthias Wendt
Affine representability results in A1-homotopy theory I: vector bundles
Tsit Yuen Lam
Serre's Problem on Projective Modules
Six operations stuff:
Margin Gallauer
An introduction to 6-functor formalisms
Marc Levine
Atiyah-Bott localization in equivariant witt cohomology
Denis-Charles Cisinski, Frédéric Déglise
- Triangulated categories of mixed motives
Marc Hoyois
A quadratic refinement of the Grothendieck–Lefschetz–Verdier trace formula
Joseph Ayoub
Les six opérations de Grothendieck et le formalisme des cycles
évanescents dans le monde motivique
Marco Robalo
Applications of derived algebraic geometry in enumerative
geometry and invariants of singularities
Brad Drew, Martin Gallauer
The Universal Six-Functor Formalism
Marc Hoyois
The six operations in equivariant motivic homotopy theory
Frédéric Déglise
An intoductory course on motivic homotopy
theory and rational mixed motives
Frédéric Déglise, Fangzhou jin, Adeel A. Khan
Fundamental classes in motivic homotopy theory
Chirantan Chowdhury
Motivic homotopy theory of algebraic stacks
Toni Annala, Marc Hoyois, Ryomei Iwasa
Atiyah duality for motivic spectra
Enhanced six operations and base change theory for higher
Artin stacks - Yifeng Liu, Weizhe Zheng
Prerrequisites on algebraic geometry, commutative
algebra and infinity-categories:
Ravi Vakil
The rising sea: foundations of algebraic geometry
Jacob Lurie
Higher topos theory
Jacob Lurie
Spectral algebraic geometry
Jacob Lurie
Higher algebra
Jacob Lurie - Kerodon: an online resource for homotopy-coherent
Günter Scheja and Uwe Storch - Über Spurfunktionen bei
vollständigen Durchschnitten
Burchard Kaup - Ein Kriterium für platte holomorphe
Joshua Ruiter - Galois descent
Keith Conrad - Galois descent
Milnor's K-theory and his conjectures:
Philippe Gille and Tamás Szamuely
Central simple algebras and Galois cohomology
John Milnor - Algebraic K-theory and quadratic forms (1970)
Daniel Dugger - Notes on the Milnor conjectures
Frédéric Déglise - Notes on Milnor-Witt K-theory
Antoine Delzant
Définition des classes de Stiefel-Whitney d'un module quadratique sur un corps de caractéristique différente de 2
Esnault-Kahn- Viehweg
Coverings with odd ramification and Stiefel-Whitney classes.
Motivic cohomology:
Vladimir Voevodsky
Lectures on motivic cohomology 2000/2001 (written by Pierre Deligne)
Carlo Mazza, Vladimir Voevodsky, Charles Weibel
Lectures on motivic cohomology
There is a "distillation"
Stuff I've been looking at recently or that I want to keep in mind
Antelo Vistoli - Notes on Grothendieck topologies, fibered
categories and descent theory
Daniel Quillen - Homology of commutative rings
also see
André, Michel (1974), Homologie des Algèbres Commutatives and
Quillen, Daniel (1970), On the (co-)homology of commutative rings
Daniel Quillen - Homotopical algebra
Charles Weibel - The K-book
Charles Weibel - Development of algebraic K-theory until 1980
Michael Atiyah - K-theory
Guide to the Serre spectral sequence in 10 easy steps!
Mark Shoemaker
Watch out for his enumerative geometry notes for a workshop in
Costa Rica (2019)
Andrei Bud and Dawei Chen
Moduli of Differentials and Teichmüller Dynamics
MIT OpenCourseWare: Vector bundles and principal bundles
Cohomology theories in algebraic geometry -
Cohomology theories in motivic stable homotopy theory -
Andreas Holmstrom
Agnès Beaudry and Jonathan A. Campbell
A Guide for Computing Stable Homotopy Groups
Ravi Vakil - Puzzling through spectral sequences
Simplicial localizations of categories
William G. Dwyer, Daniel M. Kan
Daniel Dugger, Sharon Hollander, Daniel C. Isaksen
Hypercovers and simplicial presheaves
Chi-Kwong Fok
A stroll in equivariant K-theory
Jacob Lurie
A survey of elliptic cohomology
Dan Edidin
What is... a stack?
Jarod Alper
Notes on stack and moduli
youtube lectures
Ben Heuer
Notes on rigid analytic geometry
Seven short stories on blowups and resolutions
What is... a motive? - Barry Mazur - Document Zbl 1054.14511
- zbMATH Open
The HoTT game
Lichtenbaum and Schlessinger - The cotangent complex of a
Introduction to the language of stacks and gerbes - Ieke Moerdijk
Atiyah and Rees - Vector bundles on projective 3-space
Morgan Opie - A classification of complex rank 3 vector
bundles on complex projective 5-space
Atiyah and Hirzebruch - Riemann-Roch theorems for
differentiable manifolds
Gereon Quick - Math 231b.
Inna Zakharevich - K-theory and characteristic classes: a
homotopical perspective
Steven D. Galbraith - Equations for modular curves
Sara Angela Filippini, Helge Ruddat, Alan Thompson
An introduction to Hodge structures
Current seminars and colloquiums
Articles I'll check out some day
Past courses and seminars
Cool maths stuff, mostly personal webpages and blogs
My friend Ernesto's website
Alonso Castillo Ramírez (UDG)
Keith's blog
Connor Lane's blog
Allen Hatcher
Daniel Dugger
See, e.g.,
Grothendieck groups of complexes with null homotopies
and his book in progess:
Sheaves and homotopy theory
Javier J. Gutiérrez,
y más
Javier J. Gutiérrez
K-theory groups of the spheres
Adam Block
Donu Arapura
Keith Conrad
Dmitri Pavlov
Tyler Lawson.
He has
Mark Hovey's list of open problems in model category theory
Matt Kawski and his Vector field analyzer
Ben Lynn
and his post
All Hail Geometric Algebra!
Peter Belmans
and his post on the
Atlas of Spec Z[X]
Dexter Chua
and his series of posts on
Motivic homotopy theory
Francis Villatoro
y su post en
La obra de Alexander Grothendieck (1928-2014)
Eric Phorgy
(yes the one from the differential forms discussion with John Baez)
Amelia's blog
and their posts
Reflections on equality
On induction
Cubical type theory
Tobias J. Osborne's blog: research notes
Jason Polak is moving websites, so there is
and also
I liked the post "Being Noetherian is not a local property...
or is it?" but I can't seem to find it now.
Samuel Li's projects
and his super famous
Hopf fibration visualization
Mark Barbone's personal webpage:
The cohomology of your programming language is boring
Anton Zeitlin's personal webpage:
He has nice notes for conformal field theory and mathematical physics in his "teaching" section
Akhil Mathew's blog Climbing Mount Bourbaki
and his posts on
Understanding the derived infinity-category
The universal property of the derived infinity-category
Matthias Künzer
has some interesting stuff about Grothendieck, including
Hoàng Xuân Sính's thesis on Gr categories
which predate the modern notion of 2-groups
Keith Conrad
and his
expository papers
A bit of what remains of
Michael Harris's web page
Tai-Danae Bradley's blog Mathema
Ingo Blechschmidt
Paolo Aluffi
Andrej Bauer
has some interesting posts, like
Intuitionistic mathematics for physics
Computing an integer using a Grothendieck topos
Aise Johan de Jong
Robert Harper
and his blog
Existential type
Alex Youcis
See their post
On unramified morphisms
blog and its
original location.
See the posts on
Mazur’s knotty dictionary
children have always loved colimits
Orr Shalit's - Noncommutative analysis: a blog
Logan Hyslop - Ramblings of an Aspiring Mathematician
blog. See their post on
Spinors, Twistors and Ontologies of SpaceTime
John Baez' blog
week 201 findings in mathematical physics
Other interesting readings or projects:
Über die Null, den leeren Raum und andere triviale Fälle
The adjectives project
The Stacks project
The CRing project
Mumford: on errors in mathematics.
is an online database of properties of groups. See, e.g. the
Projective special linear group:PSL(2,C)
Quanta magazine: The fight to fix symplectic geometry
google groups: Planck Units and (slowly) changing Fine-Structure Constant
Timetoast 1901-1955 History of Mathematics Timeline | Timetoast timelines
cantorsparadise: The Anarchist Abstractionist — Who was Alexander Grothendieck? | by Jørgen Veisdal | Cantor’s Paradise
Motivos matemáticos / Artículos
Two Cultures in mathematics.
This is an nLab article but reads like a blog
Ask a topologist
there is an interesting post on the
Difference between limit, cluster, and accumulation points
Récoltes et Semailles I, II - Tel - GALLIMARD - Site Gallimard
Old Pappus' Book of Mathematical Calligraphy
Vladimir Arnold - Wikiquote
*nLab -- General Discussion | The n-Category Café
An old thread discussing the nLab.
Grant Glouser
and his
Cut and project tiling
Gregory Constantine's post on group theory,
specially the one on
Sylow's theorems
Todd Trimble's notes
in John Baez web page. See, e.g., his
note on weak 4-categories
One can calculate Gröbner bases using Sage,
the documentation,
especially at
polynomial rings.
There is an online interpreter at
Sage Cell Server
nCategory cafe - On a topological topos - Emily Riehl
Category theory Zulip chat archive
antoniobehn: La simplicidad del grupo alternante
Actualización. El sitio web de
Antonio Behn ya no existe. Lo primero que aparece al buscar su
nombre son declaraciones contradictorias acerca de un acto
de represión estudiantil.
About formulating Cauchy's initial value problem in higher
I literally searched "cauchy problem higher order
partial differential equations".
Cauchy problem - Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Cauchy problem - Wikipedia
The Cauchy Problem for Higher Order Equations | SpringerLink
MSE: Best Book For Differential Equations?
Lectures on partial differential equations - Arnold
Topic 14.8: Higher-Order Initial-Value Problems
Más enlaces
Enlaces del nLab
- internal hom of chain complexes in nLab
- derived category in nLab
- homotopy category of chain complexes in nLab
- Introduction to Stable homotopy theory -- 1-1 in nLab
- classifying space in nLab
- Dold-Kan correspondence in nLab
- geometric realization in nLab
- co-Yoneda lemma in nLab
- analytic versus synthetic in nLab
- fiber sequence in nLab
- spectral sequence in nLab
- prime spectrum of a symmetric monoidal stable (∞,1)-category in nLab
- locally presentable category in nLab
- torsion theory in nLab
- pointed object in nLab
- graph of a functor in nLab
- stack in nLab
- subobject classifier in nLab
- (sub)object classifier in an (infinity,1)-topos in nLab
- quasitopos in nLab
- 2-group in nLab
- connected space in nLab
- extension system in nLab
- algebra over a monad in nLab
- pointed endofunctor in nLab
- module object in nLab
- Pontrjagin dual in nLab
- cohesive homotopy type theory in nLab
- rational number in nLab
- over category in nLab
- twisting function in nLab
- Schur-Weyl duality in nLab
- operad in nLab
- logos in nLab
- vertical categorification in nLab
- sieve in nLab
- quasicoherent sheaf in nLab
- braid group in nLab
- quiver representation in nLab
- simplicial localization in nLab
- modular tensor category in nLab
- moment map in nLab
- van Kampen theorem in nLab
- cluster algebra in nLab
- Quillen exact category in nLab
- stable (infinity,1)-category in nLab
- condensed set in nLab
- exceptional geometry in nLab
- Clifford algebra in nLab
- Bott periodicity in nLab
- Dirac field in nLab
- field bundle in nLab
- Schouten bracket
- spinor bundle
- Clifford algebra
- Bott periodicity
- superymmetry
- special unitary group
- Majorana spinor
- spin representation
- Motivic homotopy theory
- spectral sequence of a filtered complex
- classical model structure on topological spaces
- stable homotopy category
- stable homotopy theory
- stable (infinity,1)-category
- --homotopy, (stable) infinity categories--
- (n,r)-category, (infinity,1)-category
- (infinity,n)-category of correspondences
- higher category theory
- homotopical category
- derived category
- model category
- combinatorial model category
- (infinity,1)-categorical hom-space
- locally presentable (infinity,1)-category
- left Bousfield localization of model categories
- stable (infinity,1)-category
- weak homotopy equivalence
- introduction to homotopy theory
- homotopy hypothesis
- category with weak equivalences
- weak factorization system
- lift
- serre fibration
- modulating morphism [looking for what does it mean for a diagram in an infinity category to commute]
- homotopy theory FAQ
- --stable infinity categories--
- internal hom of chain complexes
- derived category
- triangulated category
- suspended category
- a survey of elliptic cohomology - E_infinity rings and derived schemes
- homotopy category of chain complexes
- prime spectrum of a symmetric monoidal stable (infinity,1)-category
- stable (infinity,1)-category
- --categorical algebra--
- pseudofunctor
- monoidal category
- principle of equivalence
- regular morphism, effective morphism
- regular, exact, protomodular, semi-abelian category
- congruence [look for "effective congruence"]
- localization
- double category
- internal category
- group, groupoid, n-groupoid
- 2-group [also, automorphism 2-group]
- 2-congruence [i was looking for the definition of quotient category]
- Grp, Mod, Infinity-Grpd
- Galois theory
- --toposes, fibered cats, logic--
- coverage
- Grothendieck pretopology, Grothendieck topology
- Grothendieck fibration, Grothendieck construction
- base change, dependent sum, dependent product
- internal logic, syntactic category, categorical semantics
- locale, frame
- gerbe
- span
- source, target
- spectrum
- type theory, context
- infinity-space
- subobject classifier
- domain opfibration, codomain fibrationnono
- --(higher) physics, cohomology--
- Cartan calculus
- Cartan's homotopy formula
- geometry of physics
- motivation for sheaves, cohomology and higher stacks
- space and quantity
- algebraic analysis
- Hegelian taco
- arithmetic jet space
- arithmetic differential geometry
- vielbein
- orthogonal structure
- reduction and lift of structure groups
- Künneth theorem
- Serre spectral sequence
- spin representation
Kerodon tags:
Math questions
Physics questions
Paleobiología y evolución humana
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